Used Cars for Sale at TrustFord

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At TrustFord you’ll be spoilt for choice with our extensive range of used cars among which you’ll find Ford and non-Ford brands.

Our used car selection varies from cars that are slightly older, to those that are so young that they’re almost as good as new. Our more mature cars will be ideal for you if you’ve got a smaller budget however don’t be fooled by their age, because a lot of these grown-ups come equipped with fantastic facilities and technologies too.

If you’d really love a new car but don’t have a new car budget then we’ve found the perfect solution for you! Our nearly new cars have had the privilege of being exhibited in our showrooms and maintained with lots of love and care. Your nearly new car will look pristine, could be one of the highest specs in its range and will come with fewer miles on the clock. The best thing about it is that you’ll be the first official owner of your car – it’ll almost be as if you’re buying a new car!

We’ll make your used car purchase as smooth as possible by making sure we’ve got everything sorted on our end, so you can take your car home today. We’ll even bring your used car from one dealership to another if you’ve seen a car on our website that’s not in your local area. At TrustFord we want to make purchasing a vehicle with us as easy and pain free as possible which is why all our used cars are now sold with no additional admin fees.

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