The Exciting Ford New Car Model Range
The Ford New Van Model Range
We spend hundreds of hours and travel thousands of miles in our cars over the course of their lifetimes – so it makes sense that the car you get is the right one for you.
While it may seem like one car is very much like another, there are a host of optional extras available to help personalise your vehicle and really make it your own.
Let’s explore the most popular optional extras available on the Motability car scheme, through TrustFord.
Rear cameras can be added to many Ford models to show drivers exactly what is behind them when reversing, while parking sensors let you know if things are getting a little too close for comfort.
These optional extras can offer big benefits for disabled people who may have limited mobility, making twisting around to look into a parking space either not possible or very uncomfortable.
However, they are also great for anyone on the Motability scheme who requires a little extra help parking (which is probably more of us than we’d care to admit).
We’ve already mentioned how much time we spend in our cars. So it probably goes without saying that we should enjoy every journey to the fullest.
This isn't just about being able to blast your favourite tunes on your morning commute though – there's a practical element here too. Some drivers may find standard in-car entertainment interfaces fiddly to use, but modern technology can be a great help here.
Today, if you have an Apple or Android phone, then many Ford cars can simply sync up with your phone, allowing you to change radio stations, select playlists, answer phone calls or use navigation apps such as Google Maps either using a large touchscreen on the dashboard or voice controls. A Motability car with sat nav enabled should ensure you’ll never get lost again.
These additions can make a very real difference to your driving experience and ensure that your journey is as safe – and fun – as possible.
Roof boxes can massively increase the amount of storage space available, meaning any extra belongings can be transported safely and elegantly without the need to make things uncomfortable for those in the back.
If you plan to bring a caravan or trailer with you on your travels, tow bars can also be added to your car for a small extra cost.
The rules on what you can tow are different depending on when you passed your driving test, with people who passed before 1 January 1997 able to tow significantly heavier loads than those who passed after. Learn more about these laws on the official government website.
Privacy glass isn’t just for footballers or film stars – it’s also a worthwhile consideration for security and maintenance of personal space.
It can stop glare from the outside and make for a more consistent and calming environment inside the car, which can be of benefit for people who may get anxious about travelling or people who have certain types of autism.
Similarly, panoramic roofs can really help make a car seem more spacious and let light stream in, helping people who struggle spending time in enclosed spaces or simply just want to see the clouds drifting by on a long journey.
The short answer is ‘no’. Some drivers on the Motability scheme require adjustments to their cars in order to drive them. To us and them, these alterations are anything but ‘optional’.
If you require this kind of assistance, we’d recommend popping in for a friendly chat with one of the trained experts at your local TrustFord Motability dealership.
From this point on, the optional extras we discuss are things you can add to your car to make your experience as personal and pleasurable as possible.
Find out more about our Motability scheme. If you have further questions or would like to speak with an award winning Specialist about your options in person, use our TrustFord dealership finder to find your nearest dealership and receive free advice from our trained Motability experts.